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Flicker Quilt: The Story & The Bundle

Shop the Flicker Fat Quarter Bundle here.

I can tell you a story about nearly every quilt, quilt kit, and bundle that I make. Sometimes the story is about a color or pattern, and other times it's about a person or place. The story behind this quilt and kit starts with a person.

I moved to a new school in third grade and M was the first friend I made. Despite not knowing anything about me, she left a note in my desk introducing herself and calling herself my friend. Remember how elementary school desks were arranged in groups to make little sections? M and I became so close that our desks were eventually pushed together into their own little pod in the back of the room. We remained close throughout elementary and middle school. 

We fell out of touch after high school, but thanks to social media and my mom sometimes working with M, I know that M is expecting her second baby. One of the best parts of quilting is being able to give my friends and family personal, handmade, heirloom gifts. I am so thrilled to be making this quilt to help her welcome her second baby into the world - especially since she has no idea that I’m making it. 

Star blocks and patchwork are two of my absolute favorite quilty things. Taralee Quiltery’s Flicker quilt is such a perfect blend of both and has been on my “to-make” list since it was released (anyone else have one of those lists? Does yours shrink or grow?).

I knew I wanted to included some deep purples and light blues in this quilt (I made M a quilt for her first baby that was pink and gray - actually the first quilt that I made on my then-new sewing machine! - and I wanted to do something different this time around.). Little stars, rainbows, and flowers found their way into this fabric pull along with some golden oranges - one of my favorite warm colors to add to an otherwise cool pull. Keep reading for the complete list of fabrics in this bundle!

Stack of cut up fabric pieces in light pink, golden orange, light blue, and deep plum piled on a white surface.

I paired the bundle with Kona Lingerie for the background because I want this quilt to be used! I’ve found that white backgrounds can be a deterrent to throwing a quilt on a floor and letting a baby crawl around on it (even though it shouldn’t. Use your quilts, friends!).

Sawtooth star quilt block with a dark plum floral center, golden orange points, light blue background with light pink corners. The block is stacked on top of other patchwork and star blocks on a white surface.

I tackled the star blocks first, and then moved onto the patchwork. The blocks came together so quickly! The pattern has a super helpful diagram to help you layout each of the blocks.

Flicker quilt top draped over a white door. Quilt is a combination of patchwork and star blocks in golden oranges, deep plums, light blue, lavender, and light pinks.

Before I knew it, the top was together! Time to get this quilt quilted, bound, and off to M in time for her new baby's arrival. Check back for pictures of the finished quilt!

The fat quarter bundle I used for this quilt is now in the shop! You can click here to shop and see even more pictures. It includes eight fat quarters, one of each of the following fabrics:

I paired the bundle with 1 yard of Kona Lingerie to make this Flicker quilt top. You can shop the Flicker quilt pattern from Taralee Quiltery here.


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